wuzu and science

By reading this Baya n, you will In’shaa-Allah
increase your knowledge about Wuzu.
Sarkar-e-Madina,Sultan-e-baqreena,Qarar-e-qalb  wa  seena,
Faiz  ganjeen
has  narrated,  “The  one
who loves another for the sake of Allah   and when he
meets  his  brother  and  shakes  hands  with  him  and  recites
Durood Shareef upon the Holy Prophet
before  departing  their  past  sins  are  forgiven.”
(musnad  abi
ya’la, V3, P95, Hadith 2951, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiya Beirut)


A Muslim invited  a university student in Belgium towards
Islam  and  to  his  surprise,  the  student  asked  about  the
scientific benefits of Wuzu. The Muslim became speechless
so he took the student to a scholar but the scholar could not
tell him either. Eventually, a person told this student many
benefits  of  Wuzu  but  could  not  tell  him  the  benefits  of
wiping  the  neck so  the student  left.  A  few  days later, the
student came and said, “During a lecture, my professor said
that if you wipe the back of your neck on both sides with a
few drops of water, you will be saved from spinal illnesses.

Upon hearing this I fully understood the virtue and benefits
of wiping the neck in Wuzu and therefore, I want to accept
Islam” and he became a Muslim.

Depression is on the rise in the western countries and more
mental  asylums  are  becoming  full  with  patients.
Psychiatrists are always  investigating cures for  depression.
A  Pakistani  psychiatrist  who  holds  a  diploma  in  Western
Germany  states  that  a  seminar  took  place  in  Western
Germany  on  a  cure  for  depression  without  the  need  for
medication.  A  doctor  attended  this  seminar  and  surprised
the audience by saying that he was treating his  patients by
making  them  wash  their  face  5  times  a  day  and  within  a
short period of time the treatment started to have an effect.
He then  treated  another group of  patients by  making them
wash their hands, feet and face 5 times a day and they also
started  to  recover  from  their  illnesses.  At  the  end  of  the
speech the doctor said, “I confess that fewer Muslims suffer
from  depression  as  they  wash  their  hands,  face,  and  feet
many times in a day by performing Wuzu.”

A heart specialist says with importance that those who have
high  blood  pressure  should  be  advised  to  perform  Wuzu.
Their  blood  pressure  will  definitely  become  normal.  A
Muslim  doctor  says,  “The  best  cure  for  depression  is

Wuzu.”  Western  doctors  treat  their  patients  by  placing
water on some parts of their body, which is just like Wuzu.

While  performing  Wuzu,  the  body  parts  are  washed  in  a
certain  order  and  there  are  many  benefits  regarding  this.
When the hands are washed first, the nerves become aware
of the water. Slowly, the effects  travel  to the face  and the
veins  of  the  brain.  The  one  who  washes  his  hands  first
during Wuzu followed by rinsing of the mouth and sniffing
of the nose, then washing the  face  followed  by the rest  of
the  body  parts  is  saved  from  becoming  paralysed.  If  the
individual  starts Wuzu by washing his face and  neck  first,
he/she will have many illnesses.

Dear Islamic brothers!
There are many sunan in Wuzu and
every sunnah has its own  benefit. Take the  example of the
Miswaak.  Every  child  knows  that  using  the  Miswaak  in
Wuzu is sunnah and what can one say about the benefits of
this sunnah! A businessperson once visited Switzerland and
said, “I met a new Muslim and I gave him a Miswaak as a
gift.”  The  new  Muslim  became  happy.  He  took  the
Miswaak,  kissed  it,  and  then  placed  it  on  his  eyes.  Tears
started to flow from his eyes. He took a handkerchief out of
his pocket, unfolded it, and took out a tiny Miswaak, which
was  approximately  2  inches  in  length.  The  new  Muslim
said, “When I embraced Islam, I was given this as a gift, I
was  using it  with  great  care and now  it  is  nearly  finished
and I was very anxious. Allah   has showered his mercy
and you have gifted me with a Miswaak”. Then  he added,

“I had a continuous infection in my teeth and gums and the
dentists had no cure for it. I started to use the Miswaak and
after a few days, I felt better. I went to see the doctor who
was very surprised to see that I was cured. The doctor said,
‘you cannot be cured in such a short period of time with the
medication I gave you.  Just  think  carefully what you have
used.’  I  thought  carefully  and  remembered  that  I  had
become a Muslim and  recently started to use the Miswaak
and  due  to  using  the  Miswaak,  I  was  blessed.  When  I
showed the Doctor the Miswaak, he was greatly amazed by

Dear Islamic brothers!
The Miswaak has many benefits for
this  world  and  the  Hereafter.  The  Miswaak  has  many
natural  minerals  which  prevent  the  teeth  from  many
infections.  Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna  Ali
,  Hazrat-e-
Sayyiduna Ata
and Hazrat-e-  Sayyiduna Abdullah
bin Abbas
state, “Miswaak  strengthens  a persons
memory  and  eyesight,  cures  headaches  and  relieves  the
veins  in  the head,  it  gets  rid  of  phlegm,  keeps  the  person
healthy and  helps digest food, increases intelligence,  helps
increase  the  family  lineage,  old  age  comes  late  and
strengthens the back.”
(hashiya-tut-tahtaavi, P28)

Whenever Sarkar-e-Madina
enter  his  blessed  home,  he  would  use  the  Miswaak  first.
(Sahih Muslim, V1, P1 28, Afghanistan)

Whenever the Holy Prophet
wake  up  from  his  sleep,  he  would  use  the  Miswaak.
Dawoo d, V1, P36, Hadith 57, dar ahya-tut-turaathul Arabi)
Hold  onto  the  Miswaak  because  it cleans  your  mouth
and pleases Allah  .
(musnad  Imam  Ahmad,  V2,  P4 38, Had ith
5869, Dar-ul-Fikr Beirut)

Doctors have stated, “Sometimes due to heat or the acids of
the  bladder,  blisters  can  develop in  the  mouth and  due  to
this infection, many germs spread in the mouth. To cure this
infection, chew on a fresh Miswaak  and keep the saliva in
your  mouth  for  a  few  minutes.  By  doing  this,  many
infections and germs shall be cured.”

According  to research,  80% of  illnesses  are  caused  due  to
bad  teeth  or  the  stomach.  Sometimes  the  teeth  are  not
cleaned  properly  and  therefore  many  germs  settle  in  the
gums. These germs  travel  to  the  stomach and cause many
illnesses. Remember! The toothbrush is not an alternative to
the Miswaak. Experts have researched that: -
After the toothbrush has been used the first time, germs
settle on the brush and even if it is washed with water, the
germs multiply.
The  toothbrush  removes  the  natural  brightness  and
whiteness of the teeth.
When  a  toothbrush  is  used, the  gums  gradually  move
from  their  place  which  causes  gaps  in  between  the  gums
and the  teeth, making  it easy  for  the  food to be caught  in
between them and which in turn gives room for bacteria to
grow.  Many  illnesses are  caused due  to  this  and amongst
them is  weakness of  the eyesight.  In some cases, one can
lose their eyesight permanently.

You may think that I have been using the Miswaak for such
a  long  time  but  my  teeth and  stomach are  still  bad.
Islamic  Brothers!
The  Miswaak  is  not  at  fault  here,  it  is
you. I have come to the decision that only half in a million
people know how to use the Miswaak properly. Most of us
usually  rub  the  Miswaak  quickly  over  our  teeth  while
performing  Wuzu  and  put  it  away.  In  fact,  we  are  just
following the tradition.

The width of the Miswaak should be equal to your little
The  Miswaak  should  not  be  longer  than  a  span
otherwise Satan will sit on it.
The bristles of the Miswaak should be soft. Hard bristles
will cause a gap between the gums and teeth.
If the Miswaak is fresh then brilliant otherwise soak it in
a glass for a while until it becomes soft.
Cut the bristles everyday. The bristles are only effective
when they are bitter.
Rub the Miswaak over the width of your teeth.

Use the Miswaak 3 times whenever you use it.
Wash it each time.
Hold  the  Miswaak  in  your  right  hand  with  your  little
finger under the Miswaak, the middle 3 fingers above it and
the thumb on the edge of the Miswaak.
First clean  the top right side of  the  teeth then the left
side and then  clean the bottom right  side and then the left
A  person  is  at  risk  of  his  spleen  growing  if  he  lies
down and uses Miswaak.
By  closing  your  fists  around  the  Miswaak  there  is  a
risk of you suffering from piles.
Miswaak is sunnah for Wuzu but if one has bad breath,
using Miswaak is Sunnah-e-Mu’akkadah.
V1, P223, Raza Fo und ation)
Don’t throw away the bits that come the used Miswaak
which cannot  be  used any longer. Instead,  you  should  put
them away  in a safe  place, bury  them, or  throw  them into
the sea.
(For further information please study  part  2,  pages 1 7 and
18 of Bahar-e-S hariat)

In  Wuzu,  the  hands  are  washed  first  and  there  are  many
benefits.  People  hold  many  things  in  their  hands  causing
bacteria to spread and grow on the skin. If the hands are not
washed  during  the  day,  there  is  a  possibility  of  getting
many types of skin diseases:-
Heat spots,
itchy skin,
bad skin,
change in the skin colour etc.

When  we wash our hands, rays come  out  from the tips of
our fingers and  create a circle  around our hand  and due to
this, our inner electrics come into motion, which makes our
hands more beautiful.

First  the  hands  are  washed  therefore  they  become  clean
from  bacteria.  If the  hands  were  not washed,  the  bacteria
would  travel  into  the  stomach  via  the  mouth  producing
many illnesses in the stomach. Due to the air, many  germs
travel into our mouth and  some bacteria stay in the mouth
from bits of food left in between the teeth. By washing the
mouth and using a Miswaak, the bacteria will be removed.
If  the  mouth  is  not  cleaned,  one  can  be  affected from the
following illnesses: -
one of the first signs of aids is the
swelling of the mouth,
edges of the mouth splitting;
moniliasis of  the mouth and  lips,
mouth becomes sore
etc. If the person  is not fasting, it  is sunnah to gargle. The
one who gargles water will not get tonsillitis and he will be
saved  from  many  throat  illnesses  including  cancer  in  the

The lungs need air free from pollution and it should contain
80%  moisture  and  should  be  more  than  90  degrees
Fahrenheit. To attain this type of air, Allah   has blessed
us  with  a  nose.  To make  the air  moist,  the nose  creates  a
quarter  of a gallon of  moisture and  the  hair in  the  nostrils
stop  dirt  going  inside  the  lungs.  There  is  a  microscopic
brush in the nose. This brush contains small particles which
kill  the  bacteria  that  travel  through  the  air  and  enter  the
nose. These particles also defend the lysozium, which assist

and save the eyes from infection. Alhamdu-Lillah  , the
one  who  does  Wuzu,  rinses  his  nose  and  due  to  this  the
nose is  cleaned  and  due  to  the  water  entering  the  nose,  a
Muslim is saved from many illnesses of the nose. It is very
beneficial for  a  person  to  do ‘Ghusl  of the  nose’  (to  sniff
water  up  the  nose)  if  he  suffers from wounds  in  the  nose
and from catarrh.

Nowadays  the  pollution  in  the  atmosphere  is  increasing.
Many chemicals and dirt fly into the eyes and on the face. If
the  face  and  the  eyes  are  not  washed,  they  are  at  risk  of
becoming infected. A European doctor wrote a thesis called
‘Eye, water and Health’. In this thesis he encouraged people
to wash their eyes many times in a day, otherwise you risk
catching many dangerous illnesses. Very rarely do you get
spots if you wash your face. Beauticians agree that all types
of  creams  and  lotions  leave  marks  on  your  face  and  you
should wash your face a number of times in a day to make
your  face  look  beautiful.  A  member  of  the  American
Council for beauty, ‘Beychar’ has stated a very interesting
fact. She states, “Muslims do not need any type of chemical
lotions as they wash their face many times in a day during
Wuzu  which  safeguards  it  from  many  illnesses.”  Experts
say,  “The  face  should  be  washed  over  and  over  again  to
save it from allergies.”
Alhamdu-Lillah  !  This  is  only possible during Wuzu.
Alhamdu-Lillah    the  face  is  massaged  when
performing Wuzu, the blood circulates around the face and
the  dirt  is  removed  from  the  face  and  it  becomes  more

Dear Islamic Brothers!
I will bring to your attention such a
disease in which the real moisture of the  eyes  become less
or finishes  completely  and  the patient eventually  becomes
blind.  Physicians have  researched that  if  the  eyebrows are
wet  frequently  then  one  can  be  protected  from  this
dangerous  disease.  Alhamdu-Lillah  !  The  one  who
performs  Wuzu  and  washes  his  face  means  that  his
eyebrows  will  also  become  wet.  Those  lucky  individuals
who  have  decorated  their  faces  with  the  beautiful  beard
should  listen  carefully  as  Professor  George  Ail  states,
“When one washes the face and the beard, the  bacteria on
the  face  and the  beard  are cleansed. The  roots of  the hair
will become strong when water reaches them. If one passes
the  fingers  through the  beard  (with  the  intention of  acting
upon the  Sunnah) he will not get  nits. Not only that but  if
one leaves water in the beard, he will be saved from pain in
the veins in the neck, thyroid gland and other such illnesses
of the neck.”

There are three major veins in the elbow that are connected
to  the  heart,  liver  and  the  brain.  The  elbow  usually  stays
covered  with  clothing  and  if  water and air does  not  reach
these parts, one may suffer from mental problems. To wash
this  part  in  Wuzu  is  obligatory  and  when  the  moisture
reaches  theses veins it  will  strengthen  the  heart,  liver and
the  brain  and  In’shaa-Allah    it  will  save  the  person
from  illnesses.  Also,  by  washing  the  arms  including  the
hands,  a  link  is  created  in  between  the  person  and  the

particles of light and the particles begin to flow. This action
makes all the body parts strong.

There is a major vein in the body that lies between the back
of the head  and neck. This vein has a  connection  with the
spinal  cord,  the  brain  and  the  small  veins  spread  in  the
body. When one wipes the back of his neck, the rays from
his  hand  are  passed  into  the  spinal  cord,  spread  into  the
small  veins  and  give  strength  to  the  various  parts  of  the

Someone has stated that I was doing my Wuzu at a place in
France; a man was stood looking at me closely. After I had
finished,  the  man  asked  me,  “Who are you  and  where are
you  from?”  I  replied,  “I  am  a  Muslim  and  I  am  from
Pakistan.” He  asked  me,  “How  many  mental  institutes  do
you have in Pakistan?” I was shocked at this question but I
replied, “Maybe 2 or 4.” He asked me, “What did you just
do now?”  I replied,  “Wuzu”.  He  then  asked,  “Do  you  do
this  everyday?”  I  replied,  “Yes.  5  times  a  day.”  He  was
puzzled and he  said, “I am a  surgeon in  a mental institute
and I have done a lot of research about this illness. It is in
my  knowledge  that  the  brain  sends  out  all  signals  to  the
body and the body functions. Our brain
is always floating in
fluid.  This is why  we  are  always moving  and  it  does  not
affect  the  brain.  If  the  brain  was  rigid  it  would  have
collapsed by now. Some  small veins run  from the brain  to
the back of our neck, which then run to the rest of our body.
If hair is over grown and the back of the neck remains dry,

these veins will also remain dry and there is a risk that the
brain  of  that  individual  stops  functioning  and  that  person
becomes  mental.  Therefore,  I  have  learnt  that  one  should
moisten the back of the neck at least twice a day. I noticed
that while you were washing your hands and face you also
did  something  to  your  neck.  Indeed,  you  people  cannot
become insane.”  Also,  wiping  the  neck  prevents one  from

A lot of dust gathers around the feet and infections usually
start  between  the  toes.  By  washing the  feet during Wuzu,
bacteria  and  dust  from  the  feet  will  be  cleaned  and  the
bacteria  that  are  left  are  removed  by  wiping  your  fingers
through  your  toes.  Therefore,  by  washing  your  feet
according to sunnah, you save yourself from lack of sleep,
dryness of the brain, nervousness and depression.

There  is  cure  in  drinking  the  water  left  over  from  doing
Wuzu. Regarding this, Muslim doctor states, “
The first
effect  of  this  is  upon  the  bladder  because  it  cures  any
difficulties  in  your  urine,
one  is  freed  from  unlawful
it  cures  the  burning  of  the  liver,  stomach  and
bladder.” It  is also  reported, “If  one performs Wuzu using
water  from  a  container  and  if  any  water  is  left  over, it  is
obligatory to stand facing the Qibla and drink this water.”

Dear  Islamic  brothers!
The topic  of  Wuzu  and  science  is
being  discussed  and  nowadays  many  people  are  looking

towards science. There are some people who not only look
up  to  the  scientist  but  they  are  well  impressed  by  the
English scientists. It is  a request to  these people  that there
are some issues that even the scientist cannot solve and our
Holy  Prophet
solved  these  matters  a
long time ago. Scientists  claim that  they  have  been to the
moon  but  Sarkar-e-Madina
beyond the moon when he
went on the
night journey (Shab-e-Mairaaj) about fourteen hundred and
fifty years ago. I took part in the Urs Mubarak of AlaHazrat
at Dar-ul-Uloom Amjadiya, Alamgir Road, Baab-
ul-Madina  Karachi,  where  some  poems  were  read  from
Hadaiq-e-Bakshish  Shareef, amongst those poems this line
of the poem was read:
‘The head is that head which is sacrificed at your feet’
The  writer  of  Bahar-e-Shariat,  Hazrat-e-  Sadrush  Shariya
Moulana Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Azami’s
son,  the  writer  of  the  commentary  of  the  Holy
Qur’an,Hazrat Allama Abdul Mustafa Azhari
one line of the poem:
‘They say that the human went to the moon,
The king of Tayba went beyond the skies’
Meaning  that it  is claimed  that the human  has gone  up  to
the  moon.  In  reality  the  moon  is  so  close  that  Sultan-e-
left  the  moon behind on  the night of
Mairaaj and travelled beyond the seven skies.

Dear  Islamic  brothers!
The  moon  to  which  the  scientists
claim to have reached is obedient to The Holy Prophet
. It is narrated in ‘Al Khasais-ul-Kubra’ that
the uncle of Tajdar-e-Madina
e-Sayyiduna Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib
narrates, “I
asked  the  Holy  Prophet
,  “Ya  Rasool
, I saw in your childhood
such a thing which proves your Prophethood and this is one
of the reasons  why I  accepted Islam.  I saw that  you  were
talking to the moon while in your cradle and I saw that the
moon  would  move  to  wherever  you pointed  your  finger.”
replied, “I used to talk
to the moon and it used to talk to me, the moon used to play
with me when I used to cry and I could hear it fall when it
used to go into prostration to Allah  .”

When  the  non-believers  of  Makkah  came  to  know  that
magic cannot work in the sky, (on the moon, sun and stars)
because  they  thought  that  (Allah    forbid)  The  Holy
was a magician, they gathered
together and asked Tajdar-e-Madina
give them proof of  Prophethood. The Holy Prophet
asked  them  as  to  what  proof  they  wanted.
They  replied,  “If  you are  speaking  the truth  then  split the
moon into two pieces. The Holy Prophet

said, “Look at the sky.” The Holy Prophet
pointed his finger to the moon and the moon split into
two  pieces.  The  Holy  Prophet
“Become a witness!” and they replied, “Muhammad
detained our eyes.” Allah   says in the 1
and 2
verse of chapter 27, Sura Al Qamar:
Translation  Kanzul-
Allah    in the
name  of  the  most
affectionate,  the  merciful.
The  Hour  came  near  and
the moon was split. And if
they  see  a  miracle,  they
turn  away  their  faces  and
say:  “This  is  perpetual

Dear  Islamic  Brothers!
After  hearing  the  scientific  facts
about  Wuzu  you  must  be  pleased  but  may  I  tell  you  that
science  is  all  based  upon  a  persons  own  presumptions.
Scientific  research  does  not  remain  the  same  as  it  is
changed every so often. In reality, the orders of Allah
and  his  Beloved  Rasool
will  always
remain.  We  should  not  act  upon  the  sunan  to  gain  the
scientific  benefits  but  we  should  do  this  to  please  Allah
. Therefore, we should not do
Wuzu to lower our blood
pressure or ‘become fresh after performing Wuzu’, or keep
a  fast  so  that  I  can  diet,  visit  Madina  Shareef  so that  the
atmosphere will change and I will be away from my home
and work, or  gaining  Islamic knowledge just to  pass  time.
Those who  have  these  types  of intentions will  not receive
any  reward  for  these  acts.  If  we  do  these  things  only  to
please  Allah    then  we  will  receive  those  benefits  as
well.  Therefore,  to  receive  all  the  revealed  and  disclosed
benefits of Wuzu one should only consider the intention of
pleasing Allah   when he performs Wuzu.

Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna  Imam  Muhammad
says,  “When  you  turn  your  attention
towards  salah  after  completing  your  Wuzu,  think  to
yourself;  “The  parts  of  my  body  that  people  can  see  are
clean but to stand in the court of Allah   without a clean
heart  is  contrary  to  shame,  because  Allah    can  see
hearts as well as outer appearances”. He further goes on to
say that one should remember that the purity of the heart is
to  repent,  abandon  sins  and  adopt  praiseworthy
characteristics. A person who neglects the inner purity and
only pays attention to the outer purity is like a person who
invites a king to his house for a feast, and in order to please
the king he cleans, polishes, and colours the outside of his
house but neglects the interior. This person is not worthy of
praise and reward but  rather the anger of the king.
Uloom, V1, P160, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiya Beirut)

Dear  Islamic  Brothers!
Remember!  The  sunnah  of  my
doesn’t need scientific research

to be proven and our mission is not to follow science. Our
mission is to follow the sunnah and let me say that when the
European  experts  finish  their  investigation  after  so  much
research,  they  will  end  up  with  the  sunnah  of  The  Holy
.    One can  enjoy  this  life  as
much as he wants, he can live all his life in luxury but your
heart  will not find peace. Peace  will  only  be  found in the
remembrance  of  Allah  .  Your  heart  will  only  find
peace in the love of The Holy Prophet
The luxuries of this world and the hereafter cannot be found
in  the  TV,  VCR  or  Internet,  they  can  only  be  found  in
following the sunnah. If in reality you want the betterment
in this life and  the  hereafter, hold on securely  to the salah
and sunnah and to learn this, travel with the Madani Qafilas
of  Dawat-e-Islami.  All  Islamic  brothers  should  make  the
intention  that  In’shaa-Allah    I  will  travel  with  the
twelve  month  Madani  Qafila,  every  twelve  months  I  will
travel for thirty days and every month I will travel for three
days - In’shaa-Allah  .